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(88 People Likes) What does it mean when a child likes letters (az) a lot? What should a teacher or parent do to develop his/her interest?

to do with noise? Are the children being shown how to write their names, perhaps to sign the drawings that mum and dad might see at parents’ evening? My youngest child was momentarily smitten with the first letter of her name and kept noticing words that began with the same sound. Many children go through a pretty marvelous phase in second grade or a little earlier when they begin to distinguish between words and the things words stand for. They think TIME FLIES; FRUIT FLIES LIKE A BANANA is really funny. It’s a phase that doesn’t last very long, and it would be easy to try too hard as a parent. just let it happen I visited a kindergarten classroom where the children were all enthralled by inflatable dolls, each representing a letter of the alphabet. They loved her so much and hugged her so tightly that the teacher had to bring her home and patch her up at the weekend. At another preschool in a county where most children had attended preschool, trying to personalize the letters was old news. The children just wanted to “read” the teacher’s magnificent collection of books. T

(68 Likes) What should I do? My friend told me that she will not change her name after we get married (she keeps her name out of respect for her father). How can I force her to stop? She said she’s already made a decision. Our future children will have their maiden names when we get married.

does not affect you or your life in any way. Sorry (not sorry), but whether or not a woman changes her last name is nobody’s business. But you ask, “What can I do?” So I’ll tell you You can respect her decision. She wants to show her love for her heritage and her father by carrying on the name she was born with, good for her. Professionally, I can assume that she has built a good reputation around her name, which is doubly good for her. But the fact is, she doesn’t need a reason. It’s her name, he 8 my sweet love mini baby doll identity, your choice. From a young age, my name set me apart from my peers. Role calls at school, the fact that my name doesn’t fit on most standard forms, and all the hyphens seem to confuse a lot of people. In fact, it became such a problem that people couldn’t pronounce the “ethnic” parts of my name that by the time I was in high school, my mother shortened my name to just the Western-sounding parts. That was fine with me for a while. Anyone who knew me well enough knew I was multiracial anyway, and it wasn’t an official change. My passport and license still had the long version. So when I moved to a rural (and significantly whiter) town and started working, my full name went back to my everyday common name, ethnic and all. People asking me where I’m from and not seeming to be able to pronounce my last name became commonplace again. As an adult, rather than a child just trying to fit in at school, I began fully embracing my name and heritage. I struggled to love myself and be smarter than those who wanted me “different” as a biracial person. I reminded people that my name was written using the English alphabet; If they couldn’t pronounce it, maybe they needed to work on their literacy. And I made a point of using it everywhere. Emails were signed off with my full name, I corrected anyone who didn’t pronounce it correctly, I insisted that work meeting minutes record my full last name, I treated them like idiots if they didn’t bother to include my name to use respect. “Gary, I told you how to pronounce my name. Would you like me to explore it again for you?” The man I will spend the rest of my life with needs to understand and support why I am fighting for the pride of my last name. And as fate would have it, I’ve met my soul mate who not only wants me to keep my family name but who will make it his own when we get married. There’s a real man. EDIT: For context, the layout

(21 Likes) Do inflatable sex dolls encourage misogyny?

r may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to blur it. That doesn’t encourage misogyny any more… Than beating the shit out of these guys, it encourages violence and coulropho

(48 People Likes) Why didn’t the creators of the Annabelle movie use a doll that looks exactly like the real thing?

g to get on our feet here – and to suggest that they chose an alternative puppet style because the filmmakers were too afraid to risk something that wasn’t considered (by them/studio etc.) to be a “safe thing”. It obviously wasn’t threatening enough, so they just said — let’s just make it more like Chucky or something more “horror movie dolly.” They used a conventionally “scary” looking doll that’s completely filthy and out of proportion with a frozen, creepy smile. Or – just took an action figure from the exorcist and used that. Maybe it’s so simple that plush doll heads can’t turn. If only we could see a frame-by-frame comparison of the entire movie…I bet the original doll would have been a lot scarier. Realistic sex doll r> BUT… then – Ivy comes over and says – “No… it’s probably copyright issues… – it’s an original Raggedy Ann doll.”

(97 Likes) How good is a sex doll?

also has a hundred or more acres, which makes the population in my area small. However, since the women here are married or taken, I have no one else to have a relationship with. Since I was feeling quite lonely, I bought a high-end silicone sex doll that fulfills my wants and needs. Now that I’m happy with my high-end sex doll, I feel like I don’t need to go out and look for a date, I can just stay at home

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